Unhappy End! Episodes Guide
See also: www.unhappyend.com

The Unhappy End! series is available as multiple episodes DVDs and single episodes dvds.
The multiple episodes dvds contain 3-5 episodes.
The single episodes dvds is one episode and 60-90 minutes of outtakes.
You will find more infos and photos on: www.unhappyend.de
The Multiple Episodes DVDs:
Unhappy End! DVD 1 : Episodes 1-3
- Ein Mord aus Eifersucht
- Du sollst nicht Ehebrechen
- Die Rivalin
starring: Bettina Mueller, Cathrin Vaessen, Bianca Lindenberg, Maren Beutler, Ingrid Littmann,
Jean Bork, Katja Bienert, Susanne Schwab
Produced & Directed by Michael Huck
Unhappy End! DVD 2 : Episodes 4-6
- Die Szenendiebin
- Die Schulfeindin
- Der Moerder mit den Zigarillos
starring: Katrein Frenzel, Stefanie Verkerk, Kerstin Orf, Claudia Splitt, Marlene Marlow,
Michaela Hinnenthal, Magdalena Kowalczyk
Produced & Directed by Michael Huck
Unhappy End! DVD 3 : Episodes 7-11
- Abendessen
- One-Way-Ticket-to-Paradise
- Nachtschatten
- The Paparazzo Who Knew Too Mucho
- The Angel
starring Katja Bienert, Vonny Kesisoglu, Azalea Davila, Jean Bork, Pat Steele.
Produced & Directed by Michael Huck
Unhappy End! DVD 4: Episodes 12-15
-Der Tag vor der Hochzeit
-Die Kidnapper
-Principe Azzurro
-Immer Vollmond
starring Katja Bienert, Vonny Kesisoglu, Colman O´Regan, Marlene Marlow,
Sindy Tennes, Jennifer Behr, Inez Drews, Roswitha Schreiner
Produced by Katja Bienert & Michael Huck
See also: www.unhappyend.de

Unhappy End! The Thrillers of it All!

Jean Bork, officially the most beautiful woman
in Berlin - she was elected Ms Berlin - did
star and guest star in several Unhappy End!
Jean did first star in episode 2, Du sollst nicht
Ehebrechen!, she also co-wrote the script.
Later Jean did also star in episode 9, Nacht-
schatten, and gueststarred in "A Bouquet for
a Kill" (2007), a remake of episode 2, starring
Lydie Denier who also directed "A Bouquet for
a Kill.

In episode 4, Die Szenendiebin, an actress uses
every dirty trick to steal another actress´ part.
The situation is not quite clear as Stefanie
who is bound and gagged by Katrein actually
is the BAD girl in this story.
Katrein Frenzel is a German actress most
famous for her part in the long running and
very popular German tv series Hinter Gittern.
Katrein also co-wrote the script for this
episode shot in Berlin.