Chapter 6 and Chapter 7

Chapter 6: Aloha, Satan!
Athena travels to Hawaii Ilands to track down
more witches while another nun of her order,
Hermine, catches another young witch in
Germany. We now learn more secrets hidden
in fairy tales like Haensel and Grethel and
the identity of the biggest vampire of them all.
But in the end noone knows what´s true and
what´s not...

Witch Hunting becomes a little bit more fun when
Athena is allowed to travel to Hawaii to track down
another circle of witches.
As Satan is busy all around the world corrupting
young women to become his followers, Athena
is determined to visit Australia next...
(below:) another young witch who did not read
the small print in her contract with Satan which
includes to be tortured by fanatic nuns...

Chapter 7: Dr Morloff´s Atomic Turtles
This means war now. Athena and Hermine show
no mercy killing killing witch after witch and now
decide to erase the capital of Satan totally.
Hermine makes a deal with sinister Dr. Morloff
who will sell Athena his Atomic Turtles. The turtles
are trained to swim from Hawaii to Santa Monica
Beach and with a little Atomic Bomb attached,
they are bound to destroy Hollywood - the City
of Satan!

Brother Tetzel
We meet a new character in chapter 6,
Brother Tetzel, a monk, who on behalf
of the Holy Inquisition, has his office in Notre Dame,
Paris. Tetzel takes care of the business site of the
Holy Inquisiton and is making quite a fortune at
the stock exchange.

Dr. Morloff
Morloff is another new character we meet in episode 7.
Morloff, a sinsister Frenchmen who hates Germans,
is hired by the Holy Inquisition to destroy Hollywood,
the Capital of Satan! His dark plans includes sending
his Atomic Turtles from Hawaii to Santa Monica Beach
to blow up Los Angeles.
The Inquisition pays lots of money to Morloff for his services
but Morloff on the other hand has to pay a fortunge to the
Holy Inquisition for Tetzel´s famous "Ablaßbrief" which
allows Morloff to kill the citizens of LA without having to
go to Hell!

The new episodes are shot in Berlin, Vancouver and
Hawaii making Satan a little bit more international.
We do not stop here but actually plan to shoot new
episodes in Australia.
Chapter 6 and 7 are available in a two-chapter DVD
box in May 2012.