The 7 Nightmares Girl 3 & 4

Episode 3: The Hammer and the Horror

Angela (Barbara Ungerhofer) is ordered by the mad girl
Annika to fly to Berlin to wait for new orders how to save
her sister´s life.
In Berlin Angela finds in an apartment a helpless bound
and gagged woman and Annika de-
mands Angela has to kill the woman by driving nails into
her body. In the meantime Annika
continues to torture Amanda in the
horrible cellar of Blackforest Castle. Amanda however
manages to break free and is very surprised when Annika
tells her she herself is a victim of some unknown maniac
who has kindnapped her sister and has forced her to do
all the evil things to save her sisters life! The real bad girl,
Athena now appears and orders Amanda to kill Annika!
Amanda helps Annika and Annika attacks Athena with a
sword but is hurt seriously while Athena escapes.
Far away in Los Angeles, the City of Satan, Samantha,
a young business woman signs a contract the devil
has set up for her...

Barbara Ungerhofer plays Amanda´s sister Angela.
Barbara did also produce the scenes shot in Vienna
and Los Angeles.
Episode 3 is shot in Berlin in the Capital Duck
and Lightartist Studios with additional scenes
in Los Angeles and Santa Monica.
Lloyd Kaufman, famous US producer, who shot
in the same studio Episode 2, The Smile on
Satan´s Face, visited our other set that day
during Berlin FilmFestival where he represented
the IFTA as CEO.

Episode 3. The Hammer and the Horror
starring Barbara Ungerhofer, Carolin Hasselmann,
Ciara, Kim Baldwin
camera: Mario Critto, Joerg Moering, Diana Beppler
make-up & sfx: Saskia Schenk
Produced by Michael Huck & Barbara Ungerhofer
Directed by Michael Huck

US actress Kim Baldwin gueststars as the
left hand of Satan, recruiting young business-
woman Samantha (Ciara) for Lucifer´s sister-
hood of witches, a secret society who plans
to take over economics and politics.
In return Lucifer gives his followers eternal
youth, beauty and money.

Brazilian model Maja Loom played one of the victims in episode 3.
Peter Brüchmann took this photo. There are more of Brüchmann`s
set pohotos on The 7 Nightmares Girl website.

Carolin and Wenke in another scene
of episode 3. Annkia still has Amanda
bound and gagged in that horrible
cellar thinking of more and more
terrible ways how to torture her help-
less victim.

A desperate Annika (Carolin Hasselman)
attacks the mysterious Athena (Anja Meyer)
who has kidnapped her sister and who
did force her to commit all the horrible
crimes, inlcuding kidnapping Amanda.

German model and actress Yvonne Wölke
plays one of the witches.

Athena (Anja Meyer) has kidnapped
one of the witches (Yvonne Wölke)
and tortures her to learn more about
the secret castle the Devil once built
and that is the the gate to Hell.

Samantha, a young business woman,
is the next one who is lured into another
deadly trap by the mysterious Athena.
But Athena must learn that Samantha
is not a willing victim and knows how
to fight.

Samantha finally is trapped by Athena and
Athena helds her beautiful victim prisoner
all trussed up in the torture celler of Black-
forest Castle.
Athena reveals she is a nun, sent by the
Vatican, and accuses Samantha to be a
Athena makes it quite clear she will tor-
ture Samantha till she will admit to be a
witch - however IF Samantha admitts to be
a witch, Athena will kill her.

Samantha learns the hard way, becoming a witch grants her beauty, money and a long life, but unfortunately a witch spends most of her life tied up and gagged in an uncomfortable cell in some dark cellar of a monastery of witch-hunting nuns who´s favorite job is to torture beautiful witches.

Witches also spent consicerable time bein whipped by sadaistic nuns. Athena obviously has much fun beating up her beautiful prisoner. Athena certainly does not admit but in fact she hates witches as much because of their life in luxus and beauty. Not hard to understand if you know a nun spends most of her life in a small cell in some uncanny monastery.

Photos: Copyright 2009 by Michael Huck, Diana Beppler & Peter Brüchmann