The 7 Nightmares Girl

The 7 Nightmares Girl (2008-2011)
Horror-Fantasy series
starring: Carolin Hasselmann, Wenke Baumgart,
Micaela Schaefer, Lloyd Kaufman Dina Babajic,
Ciara, Yvonne Woelke
The series is shot in Berlin, Los Angeles, Honolulu,
Vancouver, Vienna and other places.
Producer Berlin: Michael Huck
Producer: Austria & USA: Barbara Ungerhofer
Producer: Canada, Hawaii & Australia: Anja Meyer
The 7 Nightmares Girl Episode 1

The 7 Nightmares Girl - Episode 1
starring Wenke Baumgart, Carolin Hasselmann
Christa Bonin, Dina Babajic
written by Michael Huck & Carolin Hasselmann
produced & directed by Michael Huck
shot in Berlin

Amanda, a beautiful young actress
is lured to an audition by Annika.
Amanda who thinks she is auditioning for a part in a
musical comedy is surprised when Annika tells her she
will produce a horror movie with Amanda playing the lead.
When Amanda wants to leave she is told she has the
part - no matter if she wants or not, Amanda is already
trapped. Annika ties her up and explains her she will play
the part of a witch who is tortured in various ways but
actually the torture is real.
In the meantime, somewhere else, Amanda´s mother
finds a helpless bound and gagged wo-
man. Annika calls Amanda´s mum and tells
her she can only save her daughters life if she drowns
the young woman in a bathtub.

Carolin plays the part of the
mad girl Annika who lures the beautiful
actress to the audition.
Carolin had several shootings as a model including
a very interesting splatter shooting. I discovered some
of the photos on a website and contacted Carolin and
we developed some ideas for a dark story which then
became episode 1 of The 7 Nightmares Girl.
Carolin came to Berlin to shoot the opening scene for
the Last Laugh movie. After completing this we shot
episode 1 of The 7 Nightmares Girl, also in Berlin.
We shot in February 2008 during Berlin Filmfestival.

Wenke plays the part of the young actress
Amanda who is about to star in a horror movie very
much against her will.
Wenke, a very beautiful model who also can act,
had several photos in the web. I remember imme-
diately after having seen her photos and realizing
she is online I contacted her and called her around
midnight and asked her if she wants to shoot with
us in a horror-movie - I wanted her to play the part
Dina finally played. Wenke told me she loves
horror movies. In the end Dina Babajic played the part
of the girl in the bathtube because of schedule reasons
and Wenke played the part of Amanda in T7NG.

Christa Bonin plays Amanda´s mother who is forced to kill
a young woman (Dina Babajic) to save her daughter´s life.
Amanda´s mother drowns the young woman in a bathtub
and is then lured by Annika to the set but Annika and Aman-
da are gone and Annika calls her mother she has now
to cut off her hand or Annika will cut off one of Amanda´s

The 7 Nightmares Girl
Episode 1 has been shot in the rent-one studios
in Berlin-Tempelhof where we already shot
Last Laugh and Shock Treatment.
The big studios were great locations for photo-
shootings and also tv series have been shot
The location was perfect with many good re-
staurants around.

The mad Annika kind of enjoys to tie up her help-
less victim.
The bound and gagged Amanda looks in despair.
Carolin played the cruel Annika just perfect playing
the tying up of Amanda like a ritual and looking
very cold blooded and sadistic. The fear in Aman-
da´s eyes looks kind of real.

Another cruel scene. Carolin and Wenke are
rehearsing one of the horrible scenes when
Annika hits a big nail through Wenke`s leg.
As horrible and serious scenes might look
onscreen it´s really hard for the actresses
to be serious while shooting this kind of
scenes and NOT to laugh.

Episode 2: The Smile on Satan´s Face

The Smile on Satan´s Face
Vienna: Amanda´s sister Angela (Barbara Ungerhofer) is contacted by Annika who informs her
that her sister is at her mercy and she can only save her sister´s life if she agrees to poison a
young woman.
Annika in the meantime has taken Amanda to
BlackForest Castle and holds her prisoner in a dark celler.
In Berlin, Amanda´s father (Lloyd Kaufman) finds an evelope with photos of his kidnapped
daugther. Annika demands he has to kill a young model (Micaela Schaefer), tickling her
to death and after doing so Annika forces him to cut off his thumb.
Lloyd Kaufman, boss of the legendary Troma Productions gueststars as Amanda´s dad.
German model Micaela Schaefer plays his beautiful victim.

In the dark and uncanny celler of Blackforest Castle
Amanda experiences a nightmare of fear and terror.
The mad girl Annika not only demands her family
to commit horrible crimes to save her life.

Annika terrorizes her helpless victim in Black-
forest Castle and loves to see her victim in
pain. It becomes more and more clear there
is much more behind Amanda´s kidnapping.

Annika fooling around with her help-
less victim teaching actress Amanda
that a heroine in a horror movie really
is a very, very tough job.

photos episode 1: Copyright 2008 by Michael Huck and Diana Beppler
photos episode 2: Copyright 2009 by Michael Huck and Diana Beppler
photos episodes 4 & 5: Copyright 2009 by Michael Huck and Diana Beppler