New Projects 2011
Die Schulfeindin - Director´s Cut 2011

Die Schulfeindin (1994) Director´s Cut 2011
The 1994 thriller Die Schulfeindin will now be released again as a 3 DVD box .
The original material had been transferred and totally newly re-edited on computer
featuring a new, never before released 56 minute version with a new musical
Also new are two making of dvds with extras including outtakes and a slideshow.
The new version is released only on dvd starting in october 2011.
This version is different from the 2010 digi remastered version which is shown on
King Munsa´s Cookery-Book (2011)

Now on Sale on DVD: King Munsa´s Cookery-Book (2011)
starring Dina Babajic who plays Patrizia, a girl who was really fat and all her classmates made fun of her.
Determined to take horrible revenge, Patrizia lost weight with the help of a Cookery-Book written by
noone else but King Munsa, the legendary African King of Cannibals.
Episode 2 of the Nightmare Follies series is a 2 DVD set with episode King Munsa´s Cookery-Book and an Extras DVD with 50 minutes of Making of and slide show.

VOD - Video-on-Demand
We are now online in the USA with several videos on
The 7 Nightmares Girl 1 & 2
Unhappy End!
Nightmare Follies
The Moonlight Orchids
Die Schulfeindin
and more over the next weeks
These download versions are without outtakes but and are now available in the US and Canada for
very reasonable prices.
We will continue of course to sell the dvd versions with the outtakes and there are also other
versions. Die Schulfeindin is released online only as the older versions, while on DVD a all new
edited version will be on sale in autumn with 90 minutes of outtakes.

And now to something completely different: Lloyd Kaufman´s new
book: SELL YOUT OWN DAMN MOVIE . Learn the most important
thing about moviemaking: how to sell your little gems.
The foreword is written by Lloyd´s pal Stan Lee, famous
Creator of the Marvel Universe.
Hooray for Tromawood!!!
Here are some of the new projects we will shoot or have
in pre-production or post production in 2011.
VOD - Video-On-Demand

Video-On-Demand is a business we cannot ignore,
it´s the Future and even more the PRESENT.
When you come home switch on the tv and all you can
watch are commercials instead of programs, it´s time
to move on and that´s what we did now.
Some of our programs, inlcuding The Moonlight Orchids
are now available as VOD on
These programs however do not contain outtakes or
Making of´s . We will continue to sell these programs
on dvd.

Among the first programs to be distributed
VOD are also the first 3 episodes of
The 7 Nightmares Girl series.
The 7 Nightmares Girl - New Episodes
New episodes of the series are in pre-production and to
be shot in Sydney, Australia and Vienna, Austria.
Currently the episodes shot in Honolulu and Vancouver
are in post-production:
Athena, the witch-huntress, kills some other witches in
Honolulu and Australia while a new character, Dr. Mor-
loff prepares an attack on the City of Satan: Hollywood.
Morloff plans to destroy all California with the help of
his army of atomic turtles.
Another strange charcter is introduced: Brother Tetzel,
a monk who is handling several important financial
projects of the Vatican.
Producers: by Anja Meyer and Michael Huck
Satan Also Has Wings
Satan Also Has Wings
Marsha, young police officer is kind of frustrated when she is ordered to close
a very evil case: A man who calls himself Raphael is arrested for having broken
the neck of a 12 year old boy. Raphael, a nice looking, softly speaking man in
his early 60s has no papers at all and the police cannot find out who he really
Marsha takes him to Barbara Sommerfeld, a wellknown psychatrist who often
is asked to help the police in strange cases.
To make things worse they found the photo of a young girl in Raphael´s coat
and Marsha fears he has plans to kill the girl next.
Marsha and Barbara are very surprised when Raphael claims he is not a killer
but a Guardin Angel sent to protect.
They soon realize Raphael knows a lot about religion but they are even more
surprised when Raphael tells them very personal things they know noone else
really could know.
Marsha is determined to kill Raphael and let it look like he is shot while making
an attempt to escape but then they discover that the truth is even more horrible
they could imagine.
Producer: Michael Huck

King Munsa´s Cookery-Book
Currently we are shooting in
Berlin King Munsa´s Cookery Book,
a really horrible story about a young
woman, Patrizia (Dina Babajic) who
just loves meat - prepared King Mun-
sa style.