Behind The Scenes

Die Terror Stalker

The 7 Nightmares Girl

The Terror Stalkers

The 7 Nightmares Girl

Influencer/Model/Actress Denise Temlitz played the part of the beautiful witchhunter in The 7 Nightmares Girl Serial

Denise bound and gagged in the trunk of my Mercedes.

Denise in the Nightmare sequenz when she is about to be sacrificed and tear apart and eaten by a werewolf.

The Nightmare sequence allowed us to do the same scene - as a dream and as real - but with Denise wearing a different outfit.

In this sequence the witchhunter is actually kidnapped by a with, played by Dina Babajic who played two parts in the serial.

Dina making some selfies from herself and her beautiful victim. Dina and Denise had been both together on the German Bachelor-TV show and invited Denise to shoot with us The 7 Nightmares Girl .

While making photos and stills everyone wanted of course some photos with our guest star.

Unhappy End ! Last Laugh